frequently asked

What is a Brush and Barrel class like?
In a relaxed social setting, an instructor will guide you step-by-step through the featured painting. We offer in-person classes in our studio, in-person classes at venues other than our studio (your backyard, hotel, restaurant etc.)live virtual classes and a hybrid option for guests who may be out of town but want to join in on the fun in the studio (think teambuilding and holiday parties). We also have a gallery of pre-recorded tutorials for you to do at your own pace in your own setting. There is no experience necessary! Whether you are an aspiring artist or just looking to have fun and explore your creative side, by the end of class you are sure to surprise yourself with your finished masterpiece!
What is the cost of a Brush and Barrel class and what does it include?
The price for each class starts at $35 + tax. The price of class includes all supplies, instruction, one beverage (wine, soda, beer, seltzer) and clean up. Family Day events are $25 and we have Little Monet events for kids that are $20, which include an organic juice box. Check out our Facebook page and join our email newsletter to take advantage of specials!
What time do I need to arrive for a class and how long is a typical class?
We recommend arriving 10 to 15 minutes early to check in, grab a glass of wine and get settled in your seat... when we are hosting in person classes. Our anytime/ anywhere classes allow you to be in control!

For most events please plan on 2 hours of instruction and another 15-30 minutes to finish. Family Days and Little Monet's are shorter programs.
Do I need to sign up in advance?
Signing up in advance is always recommended due to limited seating. You can register on the website or give us a call. If a class is sold out, please email us to be put on our wait list. Due to last minute cancellations, we can almost always get you in! We also welcome walk-ins for $5 added to the class price whenever we have seats available.

We always try to seat friends and parties together. Just let us know when making your reservation or when you arrive and we will make the appropriate seating arrangements.
What do I wear?
Although we provide aprons for in person classes we do recommend wearing something you wouldn't mind getting paint on- just in case! Brush and Barrel is not responsible for any paint damage.
What is your cancellation policy?
We ask you to give us 48 hours notice if you need to reschedule or cancel your reservation. Cancellations should be made by email. This provides us the opportunity to fill the space. We will charge the class fee for reservations not cancelled 48 hours in advance. We must have a minimum of 5 painters to open the studio for a public event. We will send an email 3 hours in advance of any class that does not meet our minimum and will therefore be cancelled. Thank you in advance for understanding our reservation policy. Anytime/ anywhere classes do not have a minimum, we recommend trying at least one painting alone for total relaxation!
Can we host a private party at Brush and Barrel?
Yes! See our Private Events page for details. Send us an email to: and you will receive details about our private events. We can host more than one private event at a time, so please let us know which dates you're interested in and we will work to accommodate you!
When does the new schedule come out?
We try to post the schedule at least four weeks in advance. Be sure to join our newsletter list and like us on Facebook to learn about upcoming events, specials and new paintings!
Where can I find a gallery of all of your class paintings?
The best place to view our gallery of paintings is on our Facebook page and on our calendar of events. We also have them hanging inside the studio.
Do you repeat paintings?
We rotate and repeat some of our paintings based on popularity and holidays. Please let us know if there are paintings that you particularly enjoy or perhaps missed the opportunity to paint. We will keep this in mind when scheduling the next month's paintings!
Can I change the style of the featured painting?
Absolutely! Our guests are welcome to experiment with color, shape, texture, and enjoy their painting time as they please. Our instructors will be there to answer any questions.
What are Date Nights?
Date Night is the perfect opportunity paint along side your loved one or friend! You each paint on your own canvas and when you push the canvases together they form one beautiful painting! No date? No worries! You can still paint on your own canvas and create something independently beautiful!
Are children allowed in a Brush and Barrel class?
Children are allowed in Brush and Barrel classes! We offer Family Days and Little Monet's events that are geared towards kids. Evening classes where the paintings are more difficult and the themes are more mature may not be suitable for children under 12 years of age.

There are other art programs in the area that also offer creative art for kids. Prairie School of Art offers programs geared towards children as young as 3 years.
Do you offer gift certificates for Brush and Barrel?
Yes! We offer gift certificates that can be used toward classes. These can be sold in any amount starting at $10. You can purchase these on our website or in person. Our studio hours vary so please email us to schedule a time to pick one up. Gift certificates expire one year after the the date issued in our system.
Do you provide alcohol?
A variety of beer and wine are available for purchase. We also have assorted soft drinks available for purchase. Effective 7/1/19 we will no longer honor BYOBW. We work with several vendors and provide several drink options for purchase. If you have special drink requests send us an email or give us a call and we will do our best to have your drink of choice available.
We do not offer BYOB. We have a variety of wine, beer, and soft drinks available for purchase. Your first drink is included with a $35 or more ticket price .