giving back

Brush & Barrel has helped to raise thousands of dollars since opening in 2013. We are committed to helping our community!

There are two types of ways we give back: Fundraising and Donations.

  • Requests for donations must come from a registered 501(c)(3).
  • Donation requests must be submitted by the 1st of the month PRIOR to your event. For example, if your event is May 15th, your request must be submitted no later than April 1st. If your event is April 1st, your request must be submitted no later than March 1st. We encourage you to be on top of your requests, as we look at requests at the beginning of each month. If you know you have an ask coming up, get it in early!
  • Donations will be approved as funds are available and we ask that only one donation request per organization be submitted each calendar year.
  • Please do not submit requests for employee appreciation parties and for-profit organizations.
  • Please note that requesting a donation cannot guarantee a donation.
Please send all requests to with the information below:
  • Contact person
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Name of organization
  • Name of event
  • Date of event
  • 501(c) (3) number approval letter
  • Let us know your specific request and how our company will help you reach your goal.
We have partnered with schools and organizations all over Eastern Iowa with a unique way to raise money for your school, group, organization, and causes!

If you are looking for help raising money for your event (PTO, carnival, alumni, prom) trips (school trip, mission trip), donation efforts (your department is raising money) United Way or March of Dimes, sports teams, medical expenses (benefits), etc., your request is considered fundraising.

Please send us an email with the information below:
  • Contact person
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Name of organization
  • Name of event
  • Date of event
  • Let us know your specific request and how our company will help you reach your goal.
We will connect with you via email first to set up a time to discuss options for your event.